Taylor Swift’s team has defended the singer after she was named one of the top 10 celebrity CO2e offenders for private jet use. In a statement, Swift’s publicist said the…
Shane Mariano
Shane Mariano
Father, Husband, Son, Sibling.... Marketing consultant and keyboard warrior. If I’m not here, I’m in Key West day-drinking.
As any fan of Bruce Springsteen knows, the New Jersey rocker is no stranger to controversy. His latest dust-up surrounds the sky-high prices of tickets to his upcoming Broadway show.…
The Haight-Ashbury experience in San Francisco had, by 1975, become a Pandemic of its own, but, to the denizens of the rock-and-roll world, the actors in that play, the Haight-Ashbury…
Do you remember your first time hearing this month’s cover story band? Chances are it was way past midnight and there were a few flannel shirts in the room and tons…
For American movie fans, when it comes to Nicolas Cage, just like everything else in filmdom, it’s a perfect trichotomy: You love him; you hate him; or somewhere in between.…
Sean Impara Hosts the First Episode of Static Live News
There are many great three-piece bands that have existed throughout the history of music. There are at least 20 that are arguably some of the best ever. Once every decade…